3 years ago I moved to Miami from LA with a suitcase full of dreams and ready to take on all the adventures this new life would give me. I was tired of LA, the traffic, the people, the same routine day in and day out. I craved adventure, but I feel I also needed it. I needed it to get to where I am now.

I lived my adventure in Miami the way I could’ve never imagined it. During my time there I never worked a traditional full time job the way I worked one here in LA. It was the main change I craved and I was able to live it. I wanted to immerse myself completely not only in the music industry but also in social media. I made it happen. I was invited to events I had only imagined being invited to in the past. I was meeting the people I had only known by name until that moment and I was making moves.

After almost 3 years of living that life, I was craving the “normal” life I lived in LA, as well as my friends, my family and my city; a city I had gotten to dislike so much in the past.

I’ve been back in LA for 5 months now, exactly 5 months. They flew by without even realizing it. The first month was really hard for me. Everything happened so quick that I didn’t have time to process it all. It was like I was here and I didn’t even realize how I got back to LA. Even though I was born and raised in LA, it took me 1 whole month to adjust to being back. I was so used to living such a fast paced life in Miami jumping from event to event or from trip to trip that I now found myself with so much time on my hands.

I also had to deal with the fact that I felt I didn’t fully accomplish things the way I had envisioned them in Miami. I had one idea in my mind of the way things should’ve gone and although I never imagined it would go the way it did, which honestly in some ways was better than I could’ve ever imagined. Some things weren’t accomplished and even though it wasn’t my fault because it was a combination of things, one of them being the industry as we knew it drastically changed upon my arrival (but that’s a story for another day), I felt I had failed myself. Friends eventually made me realize that it wasn’t my fault, that you can’t control the way things happen and that even though I didn’t do the things I planned to do while there, everything I did was experience acquired that would eventually serve a purpose in the future. I finally understood that.

I was also left with a passion slowly dying in my heart. I loved music and social media but I felt the passion for it was slowly dying. I didn’t know what to do or where to even start. I felt so lost because I didn’t know if that meant those dreams were over. I was at a point where I didn’t know what to do. I cried. I took deep breaths and decided to let time run its course and lead me in the right direction. I had 2 projects I wanted to bring to fruition and from one day to the next, I no longer had any desire to move them forward. I decided I needed a break, a mental one. I needed to stop forcing myself to come up with a solution.

I decided to stop everything and just live my day to day, at least for a while. I decided to go back to work part-time. The routine I so much dreaded in the past was my way of coping with what was going on now. I later left on vacation for two weeks; a vacation I desperately needed. I’m finding myself back to basics. I’m back at my parent’s house after having my own apartment in Miami for 3 years. I’m realizing that sometimes we have to go back to the basics in order to start a new adventure in life; it’s what keeps us alive and moving forward. What’s next? I don’t know. I honestly don’t, but I’m sure time will show me where I need to go. I’m evolving into a new person, and I’ve learned throughout the years that that’s always a good thing.