Seal Beach sunset
The beach is magical; it cleanses the soul. I took this picture last night when it was just me and the beach in some alone time.

It’s only Tuesday (although by the time you read this, it’ll probably be Wednesday already) but this week has felt like such a drag. I came off of such a high last week due to some good news and because everything seemed to be going great and this week just didn’t start off as great. Sunday night, I tossed and  turned in bed until I finally fell asleep around 3  am. I had a lot going on in my mind. Ever since then, it’s been blah. My mind has been filled with thoughts of challenges, doubts, decisions, dreams, goals, fear, and adventure.

Image via Pinterest

After feeling so close to my goals and dreams last week, I now feel so far away. Why? I don’t know. I suppose it’s what happens when you’re heading in the right direction or so at least I try to tell myself that. I’ve struggled so much (not physically, mentally) these two days to get up and go to work. This week has been a constant battle in my mind of whether I should just pick up, leave and go running towards my dreams or plan everything to a tee as the perfectionist in me would do. It’s been, “no hagas las cosas a lo loco, planea todo bien” vs. “hazlo ya que ahora es tu tiempo”! Which one will I choose? I don’t know. All I know is that tomorrow (or today) is Wednesday and I’ll be one day closer to the weekend of this blah week. Needless to say, I’m ready for and looking forward to the long weekend…

Image via Pinterest
Image via Pinterest

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