2015 has come and gone and we’re already a few days into the new year – 2016. I wasn’t sure about wanting to write a post regarding last year but then I realized that there were a few things that I accomplished that merit a post. You might remember reading last New Year’s post where I mentioned that I pretty much had no idea what I wanted to do different but that I felt a need to do something. When I started the year I had no idea of what I wanted to accomplish during that year but as I mentioned, I believed that I would find it along the way, and I did. Two major accomplishments took place last year  that made me very proud of myself.

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The last few years I had been stuck in a rut. I wanted more out of a career and life itself. Without giving it too much thought, I made the decision to quit my full time job and move cross country from LA to Miami. It’s something that I had been wanting to do for a couple of years but the desire intensified more when I attended Hispanicize in Miami last March. While here I realized that my future was in Miami, so upon my return I struggled with the idea for a few weeks because how do you leave a good full time paying job and a comfortable life to move cross country from one day to another? I prayed about it and asked God to show me if this was His will for my life. Little by little things started to happen in my life that showed me God was with me in this decision. I know that my desire to move had been put in my heart by Him. I couldn’t stop thinking about it and knew this was my time to do it. I decided I would move in early 2016 but at a certain point in the year, I made the decision to speed up my move to late 2015. Before I knew it, the day was getting closer and I was nervous but at the same time super excited. I couldn’t believe I had actually made the decision and was starting to go through with it. I eventually made my move in November 2015 and I don’t regret it one bit. I am so happy in this city and although I sometimes wonder why I didn’t make the move sooner, I know it happened when it was supposed to.

Image via Pinterest
Image via Pinterest

The other major accomplishment I achieved in 2015 was losing weight. As many of you recall, I struggled with my weight for years because I basically couldn’t stick to any diet. When I made the decision to move to Florida, I also made the decision to start a weight management plan because I wanted to be a new person in a new city. I really focused on it and by the time I left LA, I had lost 28 lbs. That was a major accomplishment for me. Besides the weight loss, I also set my mind on working out at the gym with a trainer at 5am three times a week. Remember, I am not a morning person so that was big for me. My original goal when I started the plan was to lose 20lbs so I surpassed my goal. I have however gained a few pounds (give or take 5lbs-8lbs) since my move due to the inconsistency of my schedule and well, because of Cuban and Puerto Rican food which abounds here and which I was craving. I do plan to start the weight management plan again in a couple of weeks but now I know it will be easier because I know I have what it takes to do it. Both of these things taught me that you can accomplish anything you set your heart and mind to. I proved it to myself and that was another major accomplishment in itself.

Image via Pinterest
Image via Pinterest

Now for the disappointment. I somewhat dropped the ball on my blog. I was so busy with work, the gym and my weight loss that at times I neglected the blog and it reflected in my readership. My number of visitors went down which in turn made me want to neglect it even more. I started the year focused on what I wanted to do but as we all know, life gets in the way and I didn’t accomplish what I wanted to. Towards the end of the year I wanted to pick it up again but my move and everything surrounding it happened so I somewhat neglected it again. This year I want to improve that. That is one of the reasons why I moved to Miami after all. I plan to spend more time on it to give you guys more as well as better quality content. This is also the year I venture into videos a little bit more. I’ve only done one so far but I want to continue doing them so expect some of those soon. You can subscribe to my channel here so you know when I upload a new video.

I have many goals I’d like to accomplish this year in my new found career and blog. I have several ideas that I will share with you guys as I go along, but for now I want to thank you. Thank you for sticking with me through 2015 and hope you continue to do so in 2016. Love you guys!

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